Speech Therapy Hamilton 45 Goderich Rd. Unit 5 Hamilton, ON L8E 4W8
Clinic Based Speech Therapy Services
Our therapists provide speech therapy services in Hamilton to clients with a variety of speech and language concerns. We work one on one with the client to ensure that therapy is effective and focuses on the needs of the client and their families.
Our Services
Our therapists work with children and adults with various concerns including :
- Early Language Development: we work closely with children that have delayed or unclear speech, trouble understanding or following directions, or are having trouble with eye contact, turn taking, and social communication skills.
- Articulation: We support clients with the way they pronounce certain sounds. Clear articulation is essential for effective communication and the SLP will work on these sounds using targeted goals and lots of practice.
- Stuttering Therapy: Addressing stuttering and other fluency disorders to enhance smoothness and flow of speech.
- Social Communication: We work closely with clients with an autism diagnosis to develop functional language skills, social communication skills, and provide support with communication devices.